Artist Documents

Selected artist documents written 2012-present

On Permanence
Exhibition essay and interview for John Steck Jr. for Exhibition Catalog with the Hallway Gallery in Jamaica Plain, MA.

Pictures of You echoes the tragedy we all feel when a loved one is reduced to a simple box: of pictures, of clothes, of their ultimate absence from our lives ....

Sense of Place
Introduction to Sense of Place by Mikhael Antone

Excerpt: Kodak introduced the snapshot, allowing us to record our lives, and in the process, create images that could continue to haunt us. The 1960s and ‘70s introduced a certain kind of documentary photography, whereby “truth” is reflected backwards into the lens. But Antone's images are neither snapshot nor document. Rather, they represent constructions of one individual’s perceptions…..

C.R.I.T. Volume 4
Introduction to Camera Records in Time, Volume 4

Excerpt: Sometimes, looking at photographs gives me the sensation of drowning. Meaning pulls apart like the frayed rubber of an elastic band, seeming to separate but then snapping together deftly to show no signs of being stretched. Reality fissures and splits when it is documented. The camera records, but the photographer makes notations….

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