
Art History and Communication Studies

I teach courses across art history and communication studies. These include pre-historic to contemporary global surveys, contemporary global and North American histories, and histories and theories of photography. I have designed and led courses for introductory students in art appreciation and visual literacy as well as topics courses for advanced students in contemporary photography and visual  communication and culture. 

Teaching Competencies: histories and theories of photography; global art histories; visual communication and culture; art after 1945; contemporary; critical curatorial studies; beginning to advanced writing and research seminars

Courses taught as Instructor of Record:
Art & Media: Learning to Look (art appreciation)
Global Perspectives in the Visual Arts  (global survey)
History of Photography 
History of Photography: 1970 – present 
Photography Across Cultures (topics course)
Snapshots in the Internet Age: From Family Albums to Instagram (topics course)
Visual Communication and Culture (topics course)
Curatorial Practices

Photography and Media Production

I teach courses in analog and digital photography that focus on the acquisition of technical skill and conceptual ideas. I have designed and taught advanced courses in large format photography, photobook production and long-term project development. These include senior thesis and capstone courses that prepare students for careers as interdisciplinary scholars, artists and photographers. Additionally, I teach courses in moving images and sound. 

Teaching Competencies: analog photography (35mm, medium and large formats); digital photography; beginning to advanced digital printing; non-silver processes; moving images and sound; photobooks; narrative and sequencing; visual storytelling; project development; senior-capstone

Courses taught as Instructor of Record:
Audio and Video Media I 
Photo I / Foundation Photo  (analog and digital)
Introduction to  Digital Photographic Imaging 
Intermediate to Advanced Photography (analog and digital)
Digital Printing Bootcamp 
Digital Photography / Editing & Printing 
Large Format Photography
Exploring the Photobook
Family Photographs  (topics course)
Long-form Visual Storytelling
Senior Capstone

Studio Art

Trained in the studio arts, I work with students on projects ranging from basic design to complex interdisciplinary projects. I teach courses for foundation students, technique-based courses in artists books, as well as project development, capstone and professional practices courses.

Teaching Competencies: foundations; artist books; basic painting, drawing and printmaking; project development; professional practices; senior capstone

Courses taught as Instructor of Record:
Visual Language (foundations course)
The Art of the Photo Book 
Senior Fine Arts Seminar II  (senior capstone course)

Using Format